- Szarkowska, A., Ragni, V. (2025) Reading vs. Hearing: The Effects of Subtitle-Dialogue Incongruities on Native and Non-Native Viewers. ICTIC 5. Norway.
- Szkriba, S., Ragni, V., Szarkowska, A. Orrego-Carmona, D., Black, S. (2024) “That’s not what they said!” The impact of mismatches between the dialogue and the intralingual English subtitles on native and foreign viewers. Languages and the Media 2024. Budapest.12-14 November 2024.
- Ragni, V., Szarkowska, A. (2024) Methodological considerations in eye-tracking research on subtitling. Eyetracking and Subtitling. University of Warwick. 8 July 2024.
- Walczak, A. (2024) “International trends in Audiovisual Translation”. Primer Coloquio Internacional de Traducción Audiovisual. ENALLT, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (online), 21-22 October 2024.
Walczak, A. (2024) “Udomowienie czy egzotyzacja? Jak radzić sobie z elementami kulturowymi w audiodeskrypcji”. Konferencja PT TEPIS i XXXVIII. Warsztaty Przekładu Specjalistycznego ‘Tłumacz w (nie)bezpiecznym świecie’. Warsaw, 22 October 2024.
- Ragni et al. (2023) “Cognate vs. Noncognate Processing in Subtitle Reading an Eye Tracking Study”. EuroSLA 32. International Conference of the European Second Language. Birmingham (UK), 30 August-2 September 2023.
- Ragni, V. (2023) “Reverse Subtitles in Foreign Language Learning: at the Interface between Processing and Learning”. 1st International Conference on Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Madrid (Spain), 22-24 March 2023.
- Ragni, V., Silva, B., Szarkowska, A. and Otwinowska-Kasztelanic, A. (2023) “Reading in AVT contexts: an eye-tracking investigation of cognate and non-cognate processing”. 52nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Adam Mickiewicz University. Poznań (Poland), 13–15 Sep 2023.
- Szarkowska, A. (2023) “Experimental research in didactic AVT” (plenary session). 1st International Conference on Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Madrid (Spain), 22-24 March 2023.
- Szkriba, S., Black, S. and Szarkowska, A. (2023) “Watching subtitled videos with the sound off: a reception study on viewer engagement, comprehension and preferences”. Media for All 10 Conference: Human agency in the age of technology. University of Antwerp. Antwerp (Belgium), 6-7 July 2023.
- Ragni, V., Kruger, J. and Orrego-Carmona, D. (2023) “Watching subtitled videos without sound: evidence from eye-tracking”. Media for All 10 Conference: Human agency in the age of technology. University of Antwerp. Antwerp (Belgium), 6-7 July 2023.
- Flis, G. and Szarkowska, A. (2023) “Why love one but hate the other? The difference between dubbed animations and live action movie”. Media for All 10 Conference: Human agency in the age of technology. University of Antwerp. Antwerp (Belgium), 6-7 July 2023.
- Szarkowska, A. (2023) “Audiovisual translation – yesterday, today and tomorrow”. Translating Europe Workshop (online presentation). Tallin, 12 April 2023.
- Ragni, V., Szarkowska, A., Szkriba, S., Flis, G. (2022) “Audiovisual translation and media accessibility research at AVT Lab”. Multilingualism Research Hub meeting. University of Warsaw (Poland), 25 March 2022.
- Ragni, V., Szarkowska, A. and Szkriba, S. (2022) “How do L2 learners respond to faster subtitles? Evidence from eye-tracking”. Modern technologies in foreign language teaching, learning and research: 33rd International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition. Szczyrk (Poland), 19-21st May 2022.
- Ragni, V. (2022) “An introduction to applied AVT research: investigating the reading of subtitles through eye-tracking technology”. Seminario Internacional: Traductología y Traducción. Enfoques, Perspectivas, Metodologías. Universidad de Chile (online presentation), 3rd June 2022.
- Ragni, V. and Szarkowska, A. (2022) “Subtitle Processing in Foreign Language Learning (FLL): Evidence from Eye-Tracking”. EuroSLA 31. International Conference of the European Second Language Association. University of Fribourg (Switzerland), 24-27 August 2022.
- Ragni, V. and Szarkowska, A. (2022) “Impact of subtitle speed on reading subtitles by non-native viewers experienced with subtitling”. Languages and the Media 2022. 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media. Berlin (Germany), 7-9 November 2022.
- Flis, G. (2022) “Voice-over Stronghold No More. AVT Preferences of Polish Audiences”. Languages and the Media 2022. 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media. Berlin (Germany), 7-9 November 2022.
- Flis, G. and Szakowska, A. (2022) “Is AI dubbing really Flawless? An eye-tracking study on the reception of dubbed films”. Advancing Translation Studies: 10th EST Congress (The European Society of Translation Studies). Oslo (Norway), 22-25 June 2022.
- Szarkowska, A. (2022) “What do we know about subtitling from eye-tracking research”. Huazhong Agricultural University (online presentation). Wuhan (China), 28 October 2022.
- Szczygielska, M. (2022) „Wymagania dotyczące dostępności informacyjno-komunikacyjnej w zamówieniach publicznych związane z organizacją wydarzeń”. Dostępność cyfrowa i informacyjno-komunikacyjna w zamówieniach publicznych (online presentation). Urząd Zamówień Publicznych, 12 October 2022
- Silva, B., Szarkowska, A. (2021) “Using linear mixed models to analyse subtitle reading” at the Eye Tracking in Media Accessibility Research – Methods, Technologies and Data Analyses summer school LEAD-ME COST Action. Warsaw/online, 7 July 2021.
- Szarkowska, A. (2021) “Taking stock of AVT in the post-pandemic world?” at the Languages and the Media 2021 conference. Berlin, online.
- Szarkowska, A. (2021) “Najnowsze trendy w przekładzie audiowizualnym”. Przestrzenie przekładu, University of Silesia/online, 21 October 2021.
- Szarkowska, A., Silva, B., & K. Łuczak (2021) “The impact of film soundtrack on the cognitive load of viewers watching subtitled videos”. International Symposium on Bilingualism 13, Warsaw/online, 11 July 2021.
- Szarkowska, A. (2021) “Linguistic diversity in subtitling for the deaf and the hard of hearing” at the International Forum on New Media Translation Studies, College of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Agricultural University, China/online, 19 June 2021.
- Szarkowska, A. (2021) “Subtitling for the deaf and the hard of hearing” at the Research Webinar Series From Specialised Languages and Discourses to Accessible Translations, University of Palermo, Italy/online, 6 May 2021.
- Szarkowska, A. (2021) “Becoming an AVT researcher. What I wish I’d known when I started” at Translation and Innovation in Translation Studies Research, Nitra/online, 10 February 2021.
- Walczak, A. & Dobrowolska, A. (2021) Audio description on Polish commercial television: first experiences & next steps at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27 January 2021.
- Walczak, A. & Dobrowolska, A. (2021) Introducing accessibility services on Polish commercial television: a case study at Media for All 9, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, 27-29 January 2021.
- Szarkowska, A. (2020) “What we can do better in Media Accessibility Research” at LEAD-ME Cost Action Winter School. 24 November 2020.
- Szarkowska, A. (2020) “What we do at AVT Lab” at Flying School of Linguistics Applied, Warsaw/Zoom, online. 4 November 2020.
- Szarkowska, A. (2020). “End users and real-life projects in teaching accessibility” e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching, Cordoba/online. University of Cordoba/University College London. 11 May 2020.
- Dutka, Ł., Szczygielska M., Szarkowska, A. (2019) “Implementing live interlingual subtitling in live events. Towards guidelines and technical protocols” at Media for All 8, Stockholm, Sweden. 17-19 June 2019
- Kalata Zawłocka, A., Szczygielska, M. (2019) “Sign language interpreting on TV in the eyes of Deaf viewers” at 5th International Conference on Audiovisual Translation INTERMEDIA in Warsaw, Poland, 19-20 September 2019.
- Szarkowska, A. (2019) “Subtitling – between creators and consumers“. Migrating Texts. London. 17 May 2019.
- Szarkowska, A. (2019) Round table on audiovisual localisation. Media for All 8, Stockholm, Sweden. 17-19 June 2019.
Szczygielska, M. (2019) “Rola profesjonalnego tłumacza języka migowego w zapewnianiu dostępności wydarzenia” at “Tłumacz języka migowego – kim był? Kim jest? Kim będzie?”, Warsaw, 19-20 October 2019.
Szczygielska, M., Dutka, Ł. (2019) “Live subtitling, sign language interpreting and audio description in online streaming: guidelines, technical papers, good practices” at 5th International Conference on Audiovisual Translation INTERMEDIA in Warsaw, Poland, 19-20 September 2019.
- Dutka, Ł., Szarkowska, A., Figiel, W., Szczygielska, M. (2018) “Respeakers and interlingual live subtitlers: new professional profiles in the field of translation“. Institute of Applied Linguistics, May 2018, Warsaw.
- Dutka, Ł., Szczygielska, M. (2018) “Reality check: the real SDH reading speeds in Poland, Spain and the UK“, “Understanding Quality in Media Accessibility”, Barcelona 4 June 2018
Dutka, Ł., Szczygielska, M. (2018) “Quality in the Eye of the Beholder? Quality measures and user satisfaction in live subtitling“, ACT/Unlimited! 2 Symposium Quality training, quality service in accessible live events, Barcelona, 6 June 2018
- Gerber-Morón, O., Szarkowska, A. (2018) “Are faster subtitle reading speeds changing the nature of subtitling?” at Understanding Media Accessibility Quality, Barcelona, 4-5 June 2018.
- Gerber-Morón, O., Szarkowska, A. (2018) “To Break or Not to Break Up with Syntax: An Eye Tracking Study on Subtitle Segmentation” at Languages and the Media, Berlin, 4-5 October 2018.
- Szarkowska, A. (2018) “Do viewers want faithful subtitles?” at CenTraS Research Seminar, London, 24 January 2018.
- Szarkowska, A. (2018) “Can eye tracking help us better understand subtitling?” at Translating Europe Workshop, London, February 2018.
- Szarkowska, A. (2018) “Studying subtitling with eye tracking: opportunities and pitfalls“. University of Antwerp, March 2018.
- Szarkowska, A. (2018) “How to do (and not to do) eye tracking research“. University of Macerata, Italy, May 2018.
- Szarkowska, A. (2018) “Using eye tracking to study subtitling – the dos and don’ts” at Data Quality in Eye Tracking and Translation Studies Research, Aston University, Birmingham, 11 June 2018.
- Szarkowska, A., Gerber-Morón, O. (2018) “Forget the Six Second Rule – Viewers Can Now Keep up With Much Faster Subtitles” at Languages and the Media, Berlin, 4-5 October 2018.
- Szczygielska, M., Dutka, Ł. (2018) “Proposal of guidelines on universally accessible online streaming with live subtitles“, at 6th International Symposium on Respeaking in Mediolan 14 September 2018
- Szczygielska, M., Dutka, Ł. (2018), “Making accessibility more accessible“, ACT/Unlimited! 2 Symposium Quality training, quality service in accessible live events, Barcelona, 6 June 2018
- Szarkowska A., Gerber-Morón, O. (2017) “Where to break up? A study on line breaks in intralingual subtitling” at Intermedia 2017, Poznań, 25-26 September 2017.
- Gerber-Morón, O., Szarkowska A., (2017) “One, two, three? An eye tracking study on the readability of two- vs. three-line subtitles” at Intermedia 2017, Poznań, 25-26 September 2017.
- Gerber-Morón, O., Szarkowska A., (2017) “What makes a good subtitle? Understanding people’s views on subtitling quality” at Accessibility in Film, Television and Interactive Media Conference, York, UK, 14-15 October 2017.
- Szarkowska, A. (2017) “Back to basics: quality in pre-recorded subtitling” at Enhancing Deaf Access, London, 16 November 2017.
Szczygielska, M., Dutka, Ł. (2017) “Live events’ media accessibility“, at Translation and Accessibility Translating Europe workshop, European Commission, Jagiellonian University, Krakow 16 November 2017.
Szczygielska, M., Dutka, Ł. (2017), “How to implement live subtitling on TV in 3 days? A case study from Poland“, at Intermedia 2017, Poznań, 25-26 September 2017.
- Walczak, A. “Presence as a tool for measuring the effectiveness of audio description” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description, Barcelona, Spain, 16-17 March 2017.
- Szarkowska A., Dutka Ł. (2016) “Are interpreters and subtitlers better respeakers” at Languages & The Media 2016, Berlin, Germany, 2-4 November 2016.
- Dutka Ł., Szczygielska M. (2016) “Live subtitling through Automatic Speech Recognition vs. Respeaking: between technical possibilities and users’ satisfaction” at Languages & The Media 2016, Berlin, Germany, 2-4 November 2016.
- Orrego Carmona D., Dutka Ł., Szarkowska A. (2016) “Using Process Methods to Study Subtitling” at First South African Inter-University Translation and Interpreting Conference, 10 October 2016.
- Orrego Carmona D., Dutka Ł., Szarkowska A. (2016) “Methodological considerations for subtitling process research” at EST Congresss, 15-17 September 2016.
- Dutka Ł., Orrego Carmona D., Szarkowska A. (2016) “Research data as an aid in teaching technological competence in subtitling” at the CTER conference, 16 March 2016.
- Dutka Ł., Szarkowska A. (2016) “Bringing live subtitling to Central Europe – challenges and solutions” at Unlimited: Accessible Live Events symposium, at the University of Antwerp, 29 April 2016.
- Dutka Ł, Szarkowska A. (2016) “Respeaking as a part of translation and interpreting curriculum?” at the CTER conference, 18 March 2016.
- Jankowska, A. (2016) “Polish Flirt with Dubbing” na Audiovisual Translation: Dubing and subtitling in the Central-European context, Nitra, 15-17 June 2016.
- Jankowska, A., Szarkowska, A., Mynarska, R. (2016) “OpenArt – Sztuka Współczesna dla Wszystkich” na I Ogólnopolska Konferencja “Prosimy Dotykać Eksponatów”, 18 April 2016.
- Jankowska , A. (2016) “Developing Intercultural Competence in Audio Describers” na Intermedia, Łódź, 14-16 April 2016.
- Kiser N. (2016) “Live audio description in puppet theatre for children” at Unlimited: Accessible Live Events symposium at the University of Antwerp, 29 April 2016.
- Kiser N., Michalewicz I. (2016) “Warsaw 2030: Public debate accessible to the blind and visually impaired” at Unlimited: Accessible Live Events symposium at the University of Antwerp, 29 April 2016.
- Szarkowska A. (2016) “Project-based approach in subtitler training: a case study of subtitling pre-WWII films
for the Polish National Film Archive” at the CTER conference, 18 March 2016. - Szarkowska A., Dutka Ł. (2016) “Respeaking crisis points” at the Intermedia conference, 16 April 2016.
- Szczygielska M., Dutka Ł. (2016) “Accessible events – in search of universal solutions” at Unlimited: Accessible Live Events, at the University of Antwerp, 29 April 2016.
- Szczygielska M., Dutka Ł. (2016) “Live subtitling in online streaming in Poland: between theory and practice” at the Intermedia conference, 16 April 2016.
- Walczak, A. (2016) “Vocal Delivery of Audio Description by Genre: Measuring User Experience” at Languages & The Media Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2-4 November 2016.
- Walczak, A. (2016) “Audio describing theatre for children: a case study” at the Art of Access Conference, University of London, UK, 21 October 2016.
- Walczak, A. (2016) “Making Cinema Accessible for the Blind and Visually Impaired” at the 8th EST Congress, Aarhus, Denmark, 15-17 September 2016
- Walczak, Agnieszka (2016) “Cinema4All: Audio Description on Smartphones” at Intermedia, Łódź, 14-16 April 2016
- Chmiel, A. et al. (2015) “Tapping the linguistic competence in the respeaking process. Comparing intralingual paraphrasing done by interpreting trainees, translation trainees and bilinguals” at Respeaking, live subtitling and accessibility. Rome, 12 June 2015.
- Dutka Ł., Szarkowska A., Krejtz K., Pilipczuk O. (2015) “Investigating the competences of interlingual respeakers – a preliminary study.” at the 45th Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Poznań, 18 September 2015.
- Laskowska, M., Szarkowska, A., Pilipczuk, O., Oliver A. (2015) “Wpływ języka oryginału na czytanie napisów filmowych“. III Polska Konferencja Eyetrackingowa, Warsaw, 5-6 March 2015.
- Szarkowska, A., Jankowska, A., Krejtz, K. (2015) “Open Art – designing a multimedia guide app for people with and without sensory impairments.” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description, Barcelona, 19-20 March 2015.
- Szarkowska, A. et al. (2015) “Are interpreters better respeakers? An exploratory study on respeaking competences” at Respeaking, live subtitling and accessibility. Rome, 12 June 2015.
- Szarkowska, A., Laskowska, M., Oliver, A., Pilipczuk, O. (2015). “Reading subtitles across devices: A study into the differences in reading patterns of people watching subtitled videos on smartphone, tablet and computer screen” na konferencji International Conference on Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics, Warsaw, 21-22 September 2015.
- Walczak, Agnieszka (2015) “Audio description: a tool for getting immersed in culture” at the I International Conference on Cultural Transfers in Audiovisual Media: Television and Translation, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 28-30 October 2015
- Walczak, A. “Audio Description in the Classroom” at the 1st International Symposium on Audio Description in Education, Warsaw, 23-24 September 2015.
- Walczak, Agnieszka “Tests in HBB4ALL” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description, Barcelona, 19-20 marca 2015. [Watch on Youtube]
- Dutka, Ł., Szarkowska, A., Szczygielska, M. (2014) Respeaking – spotkanie informacyjne. Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW, Warszawa, 9.12.2014.
- Szarkowska, A. “Audio describing foreign films” na konferencji Translation and Cinema we Lwowie w dn. 20-21 marca 2014. [Watch on Youtube]
- Szarkowska, A., Krejtz, I., Dutka, Ł. (2014) “Age-related differences in reading subtitles: an eyetracking study” na konferencji ICEAL w Warszawie, w dn. 26-27.09.2014.
- Szarkowska, A., Laskowska, M., Arnáiz-Uzquiza, V. (2014) “Online Survey on Television Subtitling Preferences in Poland and in Spain” na konferencji Languages and the Media 2014 w Berlinie, w dn. 6-7.11.2014.
- Walczak, A., Figiel, W. (2014) “Quality evaluation for audio description to a naturalist drama” at Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc 2014: Interchange between Languages and Cultures: The Quest for Quality, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 19-20 September 2014.
- Szarkowska, A., Łogińska, M., Dutka, Ł., Krejtz I. “Okulograficzne badanie procesu czytania wyrazów leksykalnych i gramatycznych w polskich napisach filmowych” at II Polish Eyetracking Conference in Warsaw on 28-29 November 2013.
- Walczak, A., Figiel W. “Domesticate or foreignize? Culture-specific items in audio description” at the conference Intermedia 2013 in Łódź on 22-23 November 2013 r.
- Szarkowska, A., Żbikowska, J., Krejtz, I. “Multilingualism in subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing” at the conference Intermedia 2013 in Łódź on 22 November 2013.
[Watch on Youtube]
- Walczak, Agnieszka “English classes with audio description – a may or a must? A case study with school children with and without vision impairments” at Intersemiotic Translation Conference in Łódź on 25-27 September 2013.
- Szarkowska, A., Krejtz, I., Krejtz, K. “Do shot changes really induce the re-reading of subtitles?”. Paper presented at the Media for All 5 conference in Dubrovnik, 25-27 September 2013.
- Walczak, Agnieszka “Opisz mi to, Mamo! O audiodeskrypcji dla dzieci” at the conference “Przekład pod lupą” organized by Translate It! Student Research Group at the University of Warsaw on 1-2 June 2013
- Figiel, Wojciech “Perception of Audio Description in Educational Settings – A qualitative research with teachers from special schools for blind and low-sighted children in Poland” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description in Barcelona on 13-14 March 2013.
- Jankowska, Anna “Taking a British Idea to Poland – Audio Introductions for Voiced-Over Films” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description in Barcelona on 13-14 March 2013.
- Krejtz, Izabela, et al. “Perception of Art with Audio Description – Evidence from an Eyetracking Study” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description in Barcelona on 13-14 March 2013.
- Michalewicz, Irena “Goal! – Audio Description for Euro 2012” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description in Barcelona on 13-14 March 2013.
- Sadowska, Anna “Audio Description for the Press in Poland” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description in Barcelona on 13-14 March 2013.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Auteur description – from the director’s creative vision to audio description” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description in Barcelona on 13-14 March 2013.
- Walczak, Agnieszka “Films with audio description as an additional didactic tool in foreign language learning – A case study with school children with and without vision impairments.” at Advanced Research Seminar in Audio Description in Barcelona on 13-14 March 2013.
- Dutka, Łukasz: “Okulografia w badaniach percepcji napisów do programów audiowizualnych dla osób niesłyszących i niedosłyszących” at I Polish Eyetracking Conference at the Catholic University of Lublin, on 30 november 2012
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka: “Everything you always wanted to know about audio describing Woody Allen in Polish” at the conference Languages and the Media 2012 in Berlin on 22-23 November 2012 [Watch on Youtube]
- Walczak, Agnieszka “Deskryber? Audiodeskryber? A może audiodeskryptor? O nowym zawodzie – twórcy audiodeskrypcji” at the Imago Mundi conference in Warsaw, organized by the Insitutue of Applied Linguistics on 23-24 November 2012
- Krejtz, Izabela & Agnieszka Szarkowska & Agnieszka Walczak „Guided attention – audio description in education” at the conference III Advanced Reseach Seminar on Audio Description (ARSAD) in Barcelona, organized by TransMedia Catalonia research group and DTV4ALL project on 24-25 March 2011
- Mączyńska, Magdalena „Text-to-speech audio description with audio subtitling for a feature film. A case study of Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” at the conference Points of view in language and culture in Cracow, organized by the Unesco Department for Research on Translation and Intercultural Communication on 14-15 October 2011
- Mączyńska, Magdalena, Agnieszka Szarkowska „Text-to-speech audio description with audio subtitling to a non-fiction film La Soufrière by Werner Herzog” at the conference Media4ALL 4 in London, organized by the Imperial College London on 28 June – 1 July 2011
- Michalewicz, Irena „Audio describing different types of perspective: a quest for meaning” at the conference Points of view in language and culture in Cracow, organized by the Unesco Department for Research on Translation and Intercultural Communication on 14-15 October 2011
- Walczak, Agnieszka & Agnieszka Dobrska „Rahat Lokum or Bird’s Milk? Interlingual subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing to a fantasy film” at the conference Points of view in language and culture in Cracow, organized by the Unesco Department for Research on Translation and Intercultural Communication on 14-15 October 2011
- Walczak, Agnieszka & Agnieszka Szarkowska „Text-to-speech audiodescription for visually impaired children” at the conference III Advanced Reseach Seminar on Audio Description (ARSAD) in Barcelona, organized by TransMedia Catalonia research group and DTV4ALL project on 24-25 March 2011
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “The Reception of subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing in Europe. The Polish DTV4ALL project” at the conference Languages and the Media 2010 in Berlin on 7-8 October 2010
- Walczak, Agnieszka & Agnieszka Szarkowska “Text-to-speech audiodescription for visually impaired children” at the conference ScreenIT: The Changing Face of Screen Translation w Forli, organized by University of Bologna on 20-23 October 2010
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Audio describing foreign language films” at the conference Media for All. Quality Made to Measure in Antwerp organized by Transmedia Research Group, Artesis University College and University of Antwerp on 22-24 October 2009
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka „Audiodeskrypcja z syntezą mowy” na konferencji Tyfloinformatyka dziś i jutro organizowanej przez Polski Związek Niewidomych i Fundację Szansa dla Niewidomych w Warszawie w dn. 26 października 2009
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka & Joanna Janecka „Designing a Blended Learning Translation Course” at the conference Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2 in Łódź w dn. 24-25 April 2009
- Mliczak, Renata & Agnieszka Szarkowska „Accessibility of Audiovisual Translation in Poland” at the conference Languages and The Media 2008 in Berlin on 29-31 October 2008
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka „Staropolskie formy adresatywne w intrajęzykowym przekładzie audiowizualnym, czyli Pan Wołodyjowski dla niesłyszących” na konferencji Język trzeciego tysiąclecia V w Krakowie organizowanej przez Krakowskie Towarzystwo Popularyzowania Wiedzy o Komunikacji Językowej, w dn. 13-15 marca 2008
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka „Why are some forms of address not omitted in subtitling? A study based on three selected Polish soap operas broadcast on TV Polonia” at the conference Intermedia 2007. Łódź conference on interpreting and audiovisual translation in Łódź, organized by University of Łódź, on 13-14 April 2007