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- Szarkowska, A., Flis, G., Szczygielska, M. & Figiel, W. (forthcoming). Przekład audiowizualny i dostępność mediów. In Jopek-Bosiacka, A., Leńko-Szymańska, A., Szupica-Pyrzanowska, M. & Topczewska, U (Eds). Lingwistyka stosowana. Kompendium. Warsaw: Institute of Applied Linguistics UW.
- Szarkowska, A., Ragni, V., Szkriba, S., Orrego-Carmona, D., Black, S. (submitted) The effect of subtitle speed and individual differences on the processing of subtitles among L1 and L2 viewers. An eye-tracking study on intralingual English subtitling.
- Szarkowska, A., Jankowska, A. (2025) Introducing Audiovisual Translation. Routledge.
- Flis, G., & Szarkowska, A. (2024). Voice-over country? Okay, Boomer. How young viewers are disrupting the AVT landscape in Poland. Journal of Specialised Translation 42, 193-216.
- Ludera, E., Szarkowska, A., Orrego-Carmona, D. (2024) Expertise in interlingual subtitling: applying the FAR model to study the quality of subtitles created by professional and trainee subtitlers. Translation & Interpreting. The International Journal of Translation & Interpreting Research, 16(1), 55-75.
- Silva, B., Ragni, V., Otwinowska, A. & Szarkowska, A. (2024). Cognate vs. noncognate processing and subtitle speed among advanced L2-English learners: An eye-tracking study. Language Learning & Technology, 28(1).
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- Szarkowska, A., Ragni, V., Szkriba, S., Black, S., Orrego-Carmona, D., & Kruger, J.-L. (2024). Watching subtitled videos with the sound off affects viewers’ comprehension, cognitive load, immersion, enjoyment, and gaze patterns: A mixed-methods eye-tracking study. PLoS One 19(10): e0306251.
- Szarkowska, A., Ragni, V., Szkriba, S., Black, S., Kruger, J.-L., Orrego-Carmona, D. (2024) “That’s not what they said!” The impact of incongruities between the dialogue and intralingual subtitles on viewer experience. Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice.
- Szarkowska, A., Ragni, V., Szkriba, S., Orrego-Carmona, D., Black, S., Kruger, J.-L., & Krejtz, K. (2024). The impact of video and subtitle speed on subtitle reading: an eye-tracking replication study. Journal of Audiovisual Translation, 7, 1-13.
- Ragni, V. (2023). Reverse subtitles in foreign language learning Noticing and memory. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 11(1), 261-282.
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- Silva, B., Orrego-Carmona, D., & Szarkowska, A. (2022). Using linear mixed models to analyze data from eye-tracking research on subtitling. Translation Spaces.
- Szkriba, S. (2022) Accessible Cinema for Older Adults. Can an App for Blind Viewers Benefit the Sighted Population? Journal of Audiovisual Translation 5 (2).
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- Jankowska, A., Szarkowska, A. (2021). Przekład audiowizualny i dostępność mediów. In M. Piotrowska (Ed.) Perspektywy na przekład. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
- Szarkowska, A., Díaz Cintas, J. & O. Gerber-Morón (2021) Quality Is in the Eye of the Stakeholders: What Do Professional Subtitlers and Viewers Think about Subtitling? Universal Access in the Information Society 20, 661–675.
- Szarkowska, A., Silva, B., & D. Orrego-Carmona (2021) Effects of subtitle speed on proportional reading time: Re-analysing subtitle reading data with mixed effects models. Translation, Cognition, & Behavior.
- Díaz-Cintas, J., & Szarkowska, A. (2020). Introduction: Experimental Research in Audiovisual Translation – Cognition, Reception, Production. Journal of Specialised Translation, 33, 3-16.
- Dutka, Ł., Szczygielska, M., Szarkowska, A., Figiel, W., Romero-Fresco, P., Pöchhacker, F., Tampir, M., Robert, I., Schrijver, I., Haverhals, V. i Meiriño, J. (2020) Jak realizować napisy na żywo w edukacji. Wytyczne w zakresie organizacji zajęć edukacyjnych z napisami na żywo.
- Flis, G., Sikorski, A., & Szarkowska, A. (2020). Does the dubbing effect apply to voice-over? A conceptual replication study on visual attention and immersion. Journal of Specialised Translation, 33, 41-69.
- Fryer, L., & Walczak, A. (2020) ‘Immersion, presence and engagement in audio described material’. In Sabine Braun and Kim Starr (eds) Innovation in Audio Description Research (pp. 13-32). Routledge: London and New York.
- Saerens, G., Tampir, M., Dutka. Ł, Szczygielska, M., Szarkowska, A., Romero-Fresco, P., A., Pöchhacker, F., Figiel, W., Schrijver, I., Haverhals, V., Robert, I., (2020) Jak realizować napisy na żywo w telewizji. Wytyczne w zakresie produkcji programów telewizyjnych z napisami na żywo.
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- Szarkowska, A. (2020) Subtitling for the deaf and the hard of hearing. In: Ł. Bogucki & M. Deckert (Eds.) Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility, (pp. 249-268). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Szarkowska, A. (2020). Between creators and their audiences – reception studies in subtitling for the deaf and the hard of hearing. In I. Szymańska & A. Piskorska (Eds.), Between cultures, between languages. Essays in honour of Professor Aniela Korzeniowska, (pp. 110-122). Semper.
- Szarkowska, A., & Boczkowska, J. (2020). Colour coding subtitles in multilingual films – a reception study. Perspectives, 1-17.
- Szczygielska, M., Dutka, Ł., Szarkowska, A., Romero-Fresco, P., Pöchhacker, F., Tampir, M., Figiel, W., Moores, Z., Robert, I., Schrijver, I., Haverhals, V. (2020) Jak realizować napisy na żywo podczas wydarzeń. Wytyczne w zakresie organizacji wydarzeń z napisami na żywo.
- Szczygielska, M., & Kalata Zawłocka, A. (2020) Wytyczne na czas kryzysu w sprawie sposobu realizacji i jakości tłumaczeń na język migowy w utworach audiowizualnych. Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa.
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- Flis, G., Sikorski, A., & Szarkowska, A. (2019). Dubbing effect in voice-over [Data set]. RepOD.
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- Jankowska, A., & Walczak, A. (2019) Filmic audio description in Poland – present state and future prospects. Journal of Specialised Translation 32, 236-261.
- Szarkowska, A. (2019). A project-based approach to subtitler training. Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series: Themes in Translation Studies, 18, 182-196.
- Szarkowska, A. & Bogucka, L. (2019) Six-second rule revisited. An eye-tracking study on the impact of speech rate and language proficiency on subtitle reading. Translation, Cognition, Behavior, 2(1), 103-126.
- Szarkowska, A., Gerber-Morón, O. (2019). Two or three lines: a mixed-methods study on subtitle processing and preferences. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 27(1), 144-164.
- Szczygielska, M., Dutka, Ł., (2019) Historia napisów na żywo tworzonych metodą respeakingu w Polsce. In K. Hejwowski, K. Dębska, D. Urbanek (Eds.), Tłumaczenie wczoraj, dziś i jutro (pp.129-164). Warsaw: Institute of Applied Linguistics UW.
- Szczygielska, M. (2019) Napisy dla niesłyszących w Polsce. Historia, problemy, wyzwania. Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium, 4(1), 193-210.
- Gerber-Morón, O. & Szarkowska, A. (2018). Line breaks in subtitling: an eye tracking study on viewer preferences. Journal of Eye Movement Research 11(3):2. DOI: 10.16910/jemr.11.3.2
- Gerber-Morón, O., Szarkowska, A., Woll, B. (2018). The impact of text segmentation on subtitle reading: an eye tracking study on cognitive load and reading performance. Journal of Eye Movement Research 11(4):2. DOI: 10.16910/jemr.11.4.2
- Leszczyńska, U., Szarkowska, A. (2018). “I don’t understand, but it makes me laugh”. Domestication in contemporary Polish dubbing. Journal of Specialised Translation 30, 203-231.
- Orero, P., Doherty, S., Kruger, J.-L., Matamala, A., Pedersen, J., Perego, E., Romero-Fresco, P., Rovira-Esteva, S., Soler-Vilageliu, O., Szarkowska, A. (2018). Conducting experimental research in audiovisual translation (AVT): A position paper. Journal of Specialised Translation 30, 105-126.
- Orrego-Carmona, D., Dutka, Ł., Szarkowska, A. (2018). Using translation process research to explore the creation of subtitles: an eye tracking study comparing professional and trainee subtitlers. Journal of Specialised Translation 30, 150-180.
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- Szarkowska, A., Dutka, Ł., Szychowska, A., & Pilipczuk, O. (2018). Visual attention distribution in intralingual respeaking. In C. Walker & F. Federici (Eds.), Eye Tracking and Multidisciplinary Studies on Translation (pp. 185-201). Amsterdam/New York: John Benjamins.
- Szarkowska, A., Krejtz, K., Dutka, Ł., Pilipczuk, O. (2018). Are interpreters better respeakers? The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 12(2), 207-226. DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2018.1465679
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- Walczak, A., & Fryer, L. (2018). Vocal delivery of audio description by genre: measuring users’ presence. Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 26:1, 69-83. DOI:
- Chmiel, A., Szarkowska, A., Koržinek, D., Lijewska, A., Dutka, Ł., Brocki, Ł., Marasek, K. (2017) Ear-voice span and pauses in intra- and interlingual respeaking: an exploratory study into temporary aspects of the respeaking process. Applied Psycholinguistics 38, 1201-1227. doi:10.1017/S0142716417000108
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- Jankowska, A., Szarkowska, A., Krejtz, K., Fidyka, A., Kowalski, J., & Wichrowski, M. (2017). Smartphone app as a museum guide. Testing the Open Art application with blind, deaf, and sighted users. Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione / International Journal of Translation, 19, 113-130. doi: 10.13137/2421-6763/17354
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- Krejtz, I, Szarkowska, A., Łogińska, M. (2016) Reading Function and Content Words in Subtitled Videos. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 21(2), 222–232. DOI:
- Jankowska, A., Zabrocka, M. (2016) How Co-Speech Gestures are Rendered in Audio Description: A Case Study. In A. Matamala, P. Orero (eds.) Researching Audio Description New Approaches, Palgrave Studies in Translation and Interpreting (pp. 169-186). Palgrave Macmillan: London.
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- Perego, E., Laskowska, M., Matamala, A., Remael, A., Robert, I. S., Szarkowska, A., Bottiroli, S. (2016). Is subtitling equally effective everywhere? A first cross-national study on the reception of interlingually subtitled messages. Across Languages and Cultures, 17(2), 205-229. doi:10.1556/084.2016.17.2.4
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- Szarkowska, A., Wasylczyk, P. (2014) Audiodeskrypcja autorska. Przekładaniec 28, 48-62.
- Szarkowska, A., Żbikowska, J., & Krejtz, I. (2014) Strategies for rendering multilingualism in subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series 13, 273-291.
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- Szarkowska, Agnieszka & Anna Jankowska (2012) “Text-to-speech audio description of voiced-over films. A case study of audio described Volver in Polish.” In: Elisa Perego (ed.) Emerging topics in translation: Audio description, EDIZIONI UNIVERSITÀ DI TRIESTE: Trieste, pp. 81-94.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Why are some forms of address not omitted in subtitling? A study based on three selected Polish soap operas broadcast on TV Polonia”. In: Krzysztof Kredens & Łukasz Bogucki (eds) Perspectives on Audiovisual Translation, Frankurt am Mein: Peter Lang, 77-92.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka, Krejtz, Izabela, Kłyszejko, Zuzanna & Wieczorek, Anna (2011) “Verbatim, standard, or edited? Reading patterns of different captioning styles among deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing viewers”. American Annals of the Deaf 156 (4), 363-378.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Manipulation in audiovisual translation: at the crossroads of language, culture and politics”. In: Joanna Esquibel & Magdalena Kizeweter (eds.) Manipulation in translation. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SWPS, 158-165.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka (2011) “Text-to-speech audio description: towards wider availability of AD”. Journal of Specialised Translation 15, 142-163.
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- Szarkowska Agnieszka “Accessibility to the Media by Hearing Impaired Audiences in Poland: Problems, Paradoxes, Perspectives”. In: Jorge Díaz Cintas, Anna Matamala and Josélia Neves (eds) New Insights into Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Media for All 2. Rodopi: Amsterdam – New York, 139-158.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Old Polish forms of address in intralingual audiovisual translation, or Pan Wołodyjowski for the deaf and hard of hearing”. Language of the Third Millennium Series. Kraków: Tertium, 329-339.
- Walczak, Agnieszka “Audio description for children. A case study of text-to-speech audio description of educational animation series Once Upon a Time… Life.” Unpublished MA thesis.
- Jankowska, Anna “Audiodeskrypcja – wzniosły cel w tłumaczeniu”. Między oryginałem a przekładem XIV, 225-246.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Nowe podejścia metodologiczne w przekładzie audiowizualnym”. W: 50 lat polskiej translatoryki pod red. Krzysztofa Hejwowskiego, Anny Szczęsny i Urszuli Topczewskiej, Warszawa: Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW, 591-602.
- Jankowska, Anna “Translating humor in dubbing and subtitling”. Translation Journal vol. 13 no. 2.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “The Audiovisual Landscape in Poland at the dawn of the 21st century”. In: Angelika Goldstein & Biljana Golubović (eds) Foreign Language Movies – Dubbing vs. Subtitling. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 185-201.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Przekład audiowizualny w Polsce – perspektywy i wyzwania”. Przekładaniec 20, 8-25.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Audiodeskrypcja oczami niewidomych” – an interview with Tomasz Strzymiński, Przekładaniec 20, 125-130.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Audiodeskryberem być” – an interview with Krzysztof Szubzda, Przekładaniec 20, 131-135.
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka “Multidisciplinarity – a New Direction for Audiovisual Translation”, IATIS Bulletin Issue 10, February 2008-August 2008, 2-4.
before 2008
- Szarkowska, Agnieszka (2005) “The Power of Film Translation”. Translation Journal, Volume 9, No. 2.